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Automate Your Lawn Today!

Robotic lawn mowing is a convenient and hassle-free way to keep your lawn looking its best. Here are some of the benefits:



Zero emissions


Mow when you want (night or rain)


Greener lawn


Always cut


Why Automate?

Low Noise

Healthier Grass


Save Money


Modelsof Commercial

Pricing Structure

We provide flexible options to suit your needs including outright purchase and inclusive monthly service plans.


.4 - 18 acres mowing capacity

Up to 70% grade for steep areas 

Gate crossings and narrow passage

In-ground wire or wireless 

24hr quiet mowing in all weather conditions

Minimal required maintenance

Expert support

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Irregular Mow Patterns

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The robot mows in irregular mow patterns. Statistically, it will hit all parts of the lawn on a regular basis that you wont see any growth!

Charging Station

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Plugs into an average outlet and charges the robot when needed. 


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The robot will sense the obstacle, slow down and lightly bump into it sending it in a new direction.

Boundary Wire

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The Perimeter wire which tells the robot what area to mow inside.

Guide Wire 

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An underground wire helps navigate the robot to its charging station.

What does a Robotic Mowing Install Look Like?

Tylan Cut out.webp

Want Full Service? We Partner with Local Landscapers!

Brick house


Residential homes and Rental Properties



Municipalities, Universities and Commercial Properties

Driving Range


Golf Courses and Driving Ranges

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